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"What is to come ... Pagan Pride South 2016
Pagan Pride South is a not for profit organisation.
We aim to unite pagans from all across the South of England, raising an awareness within our local communities of all the moots, groups, gatherings etc. that are happening.
It is also designed to promote a positive attitude towards those with differing spiritual beliefs, not just outside of the pagan world but within too.
The idea being that people from all paths of spirituality can join together to form peaceful, constructive, well balanced bonds with one another, creating lasting relationships which will lead to better society integration, where we as pagans can be seen as valuable members of each community, thus opening us up to be taken more respectfully in the work many of us do for charities etc. and allow us to fulfil our potential within these areas which may include the setting up community help groups.

Pagan Pride South


The parade that will go up through Southampton's City Centre will be a colourful, musical celebration of paganism. It will show that we are not all dressed in black wearing pointy hats, but that we are in fact your everyday humans from all walks of life and following all sorts of fashions including the wearing of cloaks, masks (pointy hats) hippie skirts, jeans and teeshirts.
The field event will continue the celebration of paganism with talks, workshops, dancers, live entertainment, drumming and a large market that will be filled with wonderful stalls selling an array of pagan and many other eclectic items.
There will be no entry fee for this event and all talks, workshops and entertainment will also be free, although there will be plenty of chance to donate and also purchase any goods on offer.
This year, we will be focussing on fundraising events such as raffles, which we aim to hold at all local moots where possible; through the sale of our merchandise, wristbands, badges, magnets and key rings etc. which we will be selling at many moots and fairs including The Artemis Gathering in August and through a number of other events that we will be running throughout the year such as, cake sales, speed tarot nights, pagan quiz nights, game nights,
fairs etc." ~ Becky.

Becky Head's article in Pathways is copied and pasted here courtesy Pagan Federation South Central's Spring Equinox Edtion.
To read the complete edtion of PFSC's Pathways please click on the following link
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pagan pride south parade in southampton

About Pagan Pride South

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